Crowing glory
glory, we expected
to float back all together,
even raced to be first
even raced to be first
to ford the asteroid riffle.
Like children reaching in glee
Like children reaching in glee
fingers and arms wide as rice paddies,
we listened for star song
to pour in like liquid sky
off the tongues of distant galaxies-
but we lost Pluto – even before
their chorus reached us; certainly
before we could ask the IAU
to reconsider defining planet;
and particularly before we could implore
#134340 to bring its moon home,
and to argue that turning in a slow whirl
a dervish around the sun
is better than flying wild
is better than flying wild
with legs hugging the icy braid
of comet tails.
But they don't hear us,
they're already three billion miles
gone and outside we notice
the stars have never been so bright.
But they don't hear us,
they're already three billion miles
gone and outside we notice
the stars have never been so bright.