-for my nieces
Given all things
marriage amazes -
tap root pulls up legend, Apple in its belly -
a Minotaur at its heart
(google Greek legends – King Minos)
coupled with earth and heaven
you dance amid Thunder, dodge lightning –
rain soaks, kernels swell – what will Grow?
(explore I-Ching - hexagram eleven)
a convoluted path Rises to meet you
feels so familiar – maybe you’ve dreamt it -
carried it all along in the Palm of your hand.
(meander the maze)
already Ariadne – you can Sing out for Theseus -
fathers seek Heroes for daughters – even if they’re not around
your strong line is more Reliable then cake crumbs
(google Greek legends again – Ariadne’s Thread)
luck lingers within each fold of a labyrinth
when feet follow heart, best walking is slow –
in time you understand, moment brings moment.
(stroll as one in silence)
we wise women savor even Insufferable days -
like pepper in soup, and our love blooms deep
in Beastly times – wild hearts yowling to the moon.
(dust off Lord of the Rings)
maybe fairy tales end badly and wonderful -
pearls grow out of Irritation, honey comes with a Sting -
be blessed with the Struggle that makes you strong
(make a month of reading Mists of Avalon)
It’s true, this Passage can feel like walking
shoeless into winter, like basking naked in June -
so you’ll make mistakes but say Yes - it’s the right answer.
(study star charts, see yourself)
Given all things
marriage amazes -
tap root pulls up legend, Apple in its belly -
a Minotaur at its heart
(google Greek legends – King Minos)
coupled with earth and heaven
you dance amid Thunder, dodge lightning –
rain soaks, kernels swell – what will Grow?
(explore I-Ching - hexagram eleven)
a convoluted path Rises to meet you
feels so familiar – maybe you’ve dreamt it -
carried it all along in the Palm of your hand.
(meander the maze)
already Ariadne – you can Sing out for Theseus -
fathers seek Heroes for daughters – even if they’re not around
your strong line is more Reliable then cake crumbs
(google Greek legends again – Ariadne’s Thread)
luck lingers within each fold of a labyrinth
when feet follow heart, best walking is slow –
in time you understand, moment brings moment.
(stroll as one in silence)
we wise women savor even Insufferable days -
like pepper in soup, and our love blooms deep
in Beastly times – wild hearts yowling to the moon.
(dust off Lord of the Rings)
maybe fairy tales end badly and wonderful -
pearls grow out of Irritation, honey comes with a Sting -
be blessed with the Struggle that makes you strong
(make a month of reading Mists of Avalon)
It’s true, this Passage can feel like walking
shoeless into winter, like basking naked in June -
so you’ll make mistakes but say Yes - it’s the right answer.
(study star charts, see yourself)