for Quala
The turquoise sea is a trickster -
Its luscious skin, easy on the eyes.
Dappled light to lull a confidence -
all is well in the world. Soft lapping
to lull my ears - overlook the moans of bones
that drift down and down out of mind.
The trickster uses a southern wind
to bait my attention. I watch it
pitch up a hem, bellow a spinnaker;
press the fluid body to a low chop.
I swoon at pilot whales and bottlenoses
who follow the blue boats of Moroccan men.
They fish with hand lines – drag
enormous tuna into their hulls.
I am adrift on the picturesque nature of life here,
enamored with a deep heritage - people, land and sea.
The uplifted limestone filled with fossils, fortified walls,
armored casemates share another view.
The Gibraltar coastline is a portrait of conquest.
Europe has been swallowing Africa for eons.
Perhaps the discreet pace of tectonics and
a penchant for forgetfulness make it unremarkable.
Easy to gloss over injustice with resignation.
Call it destiny, even love.
The bones have another opinion.
For a moment, they are more than fossil record.
I tell myself the unkind deaths are a mercy.
They eased a hard life to rest in limey mud.
Isn’t everything a mountain’s wink
from stone and sand and shell?
In the long view, nothing created, nothing destroyed.
Except for liquid specters of ancestors - they
keep vigil for the lost and keen for the capsized,
the refugees of expropriation and rising tides.
I imagine liquid specters cradling babies, their last breath
briny with the dissolved bones of other babies.
I am using the word cradling to comfort me
as I bring such an image to sit beside my belly.
I am riding along this pristine surf, my horse
is Pegasus - winged and out of touch.
We gallop faster, to out run the trickster and
fresh tragedy, so uneasy on the eyes.
We skirt a crenellated reef of fluvial sandstone,
eyes to the sky, ears on the water.
Riding, riding, riding - the trickster finds his steed, and
I am flung to the sand. Nothing broken,
everything hurts. Overhead a gull laughs,
she’s seen every kind of calamity.
everything hurts. Overhead a gull laughs,
she’s seen every kind of calamity.
I commiserate, a mote in the sea’s eye -
minusculo voice in the anvil chorus,
speck in time, a speck in time, nothing created,
nothing destroyed, but stone and sand and specters.
minusculo voice in the anvil chorus,
speck in time, a speck in time, nothing created,
nothing destroyed, but stone and sand and specters.