Caroline sneezed today!
News arrived so loud and clear
I pulled out my handkerchief
just in case,
cause we all knew
she would never sneeze again.
Chapter and verse, that comes with the injury.
It's pretty definitive.
Never...Some things stop at C5,
like sneezing..well behind her Berlin Wall,
not even waiting.
Gone...They said.
I knew it.
And this morning, they busted out!
Two healthy sneezes,
ACHOO ONE, ACHOO TWO escaped over the wall -
signaled nerves well below her injury -
Zing...and belly muscles suddenly attended.
Unpredictable, maddening
Never, never
Now...I thought I could count on sneezing
being gone forever
and then it's back from some incredible journey.
Unpredictable, head clearing and
Now...It's exactly why
I can count on sneezing - best when
it's unexpected like snow flakes in July,
like daffadils in November.
Now...and ever since,
we're flying over a sneeze.
Imagine that.
News arrived so loud and clear
I pulled out my handkerchief
just in case,
cause we all knew
she would never sneeze again.
Chapter and verse, that comes with the injury.
It's pretty definitive.
Never...Some things stop at C5,
like sneezing..well behind her Berlin Wall,
not even waiting.
Gone...They said.
I knew it.
And this morning, they busted out!
Two healthy sneezes,
ACHOO ONE, ACHOO TWO escaped over the wall -
signaled nerves well below her injury -
Zing...and belly muscles suddenly attended.
Unpredictable, maddening
Never, never
Now...I thought I could count on sneezing
being gone forever
and then it's back from some incredible journey.
Unpredictable, head clearing and
Now...It's exactly why
I can count on sneezing - best when
it's unexpected like snow flakes in July,
like daffadils in November.
Now...and ever since,
we're flying over a sneeze.
Imagine that.