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The Corvid19 Journal - Entry 1 March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020

This act of journaling here and now is long overdue
So much has happened in only a few weeks in this waking world.
So much meets what has happened in only a few weeks in the dream world.

My waking and dream self have volumes to digest.  I’ve decided to commence this journal in pieces - I’ll pick an image, an idea and an observation each day.

Today’s image - it is a dream of me facing a wall of water, a building wave.  I wade in and swim toward it with everything I’ve got. I seek the sweet spot, the heart of the wave where it will wash over me and not pound me into the sand.  When I fail to find that spot, feeling myself lifted by a monstrous force hungry to fling me asunder, I change my trajectory and even my physical/energetic body.  I grow into an arrow.  Better to fly than be flung, I think.

Another image - in my concern for a precious friend in Colorado, as she struggles with the viral wolf, I conjure an astral visit. In a flash, I am walking down her driveway, across her wooden deck (I bow to the Quan Yin figurine there), through the exterior door, up the stairs, turning left to her bedroom. She is weary and resting on her bed, a simple pallet stacked deep with blankets and quilts.  Here on this simple nest, she holds up against the struggle within her.  On a wall beside her is an enormous and glorious sunflower painting, a wall of flowers witnessing, holding vigil. I stepped up to that painting and stood with the flowers.  We call to her body and spirit: Fight!  Fight this silent invader!  You are Judyth, champion bred!  Your illness, another Holofernes.  Put his head on a platter! Carry it to the street, out of your body. In this astral plane, I will stand by her and continue my prayer vigil.

Today’s idea - here, today the world wrestles as one with a plague.  As with other plagues, what is revealed is our deep reach into the wild world, into the places we have not evolved with, brings these monsters to our door.  The champion who might make peace with our Grendel is not one person.  We all become champions, I think, when we begin to realize and understand how we live shapes how the world holds us.

Today’s observation - As we proceed with the public health prescription of social distancing and self-quarantine, people grow a new appetite.  We hunger for the company of one another. When my sister and I venture out to walk on the maze of wide public trails and greenways with our dogs or to cycle in the bright breezy afternoon, and as we join dozens others, all mindful of passing with a safe median between us, the change of attitude and interactions is palpable. Since we must restrict our touch, we crave eye contact and are more generous with chit chat.  Families of humans connect without hugs and kisses, handshakes and fist bumps.  We employ the energetic body to satisfy our basic requirements for community touch and familial intimacy.  We employ IT devices to satisfy our thirst for family time.  We find a way, we find a way.


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